Sunday, October 12, 2008

One Hundred and Twelve

My readers have noticed that I have stopped writing, so to satisfy the masses (HI GREG!!), here is an update. I actually wrote something between my last entry and this one but it still seems so wrong of me to publish it for all to see. It's really more private. I've obviously had an issue lately with being approached by dudes, ironically now that I'm pretty much a taken lady. It will never cease to amaze me how you can be single for freaking ever and nobody pays a lick of notice, and suddenly you have a man to call your own and the clouds open and it starts raining men! Ridiculous. I've adopted a surrogate boyfriend who I am completely honest with about everything, so that he may tell me when I'm being a cow face and making bad decisions (because apparently I am not smart enough to make said decisions without help...). Anyway, the fight I had with B when I told him about these dudes hitting on me has convinced me that so much as raising my eyebrow at another guy is the worst thing I could possibly ever do, and I have far too much at risk right now to be doing something stupid like letting temptations screw me over. Other than that... work is going well. Turkey was good tonight. I move in 112 days... I'm getting nervous but in a good way. I have really nothing else to say, I was just worried about my blog being cancelled.... I'm done :)