Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Wee Note on Current Frustrations

In regards to my epic adventure of applying to a school on the other side of the planet, I am getting very frustrated at how difficult it has been to get in touch with an actual person. I have sent email after email requesting a personal student adviser, a pen pal, a phone meeting, WHATEVER, I don't even care, just *someone* to ask my questions to, to find out if I'm even on the right track to getting my application submitted. Seriously, the documents I have to get from my current university are so ridiculous, I can't imagine I fall into the category of student who needs to obtain them.

However, if I am mistaken, I have to have a meeting with my registrar, discuss my 3 previous years of education with him, show him a notarized copy of my transcript (yes, I have to pay the school to print off a certified copy and then get a notary to sign it... Hi Dad!) and then, once he realizes I can hold my own in a conversation, he gets me to write him a short letter asking him to vouch for my English skills. The registrar THEN has to write a letter to my new school stating that for the past 3 years I have learned all of my subject matter in English, and that I have a solid grasp on the English language, both written and spoken. Following THAT, I *STILL* have to sit an English proficiency exam. Now I can understand if I was born and raised in Japan and knew next to zero English, moving to a 100% English speaking school would be a challenge, and the school would deserve to know that I was coming, and would be enrolling in ESL classes and probably learning slightly slower in my regular program, but I AM AN ENGLISH NERD!!!!! I don't think I should have to do all this crazy stuff!!! My well-written emails, and ridiculously polite phone voice should let the school know that I know how to speak English, write English, learn in English AND be totally conceited about it!!!

I sincerely hope that this is not the case, and I only need to do a few of those things. Either way, it would be SO helpful to know these things NOW, rather than closer to the application deadline, which isn't til January, but obviously I want this all done as soon as possible so maybe I can nurse my sanity for a few months before I leave. And also work my tail off at my (soon to be) 3 jobs to save money and be able to contribute to the "Don't worry Amy, B will support you through everything" fund so I don't feel like a freeloader for a month or so, getting my feet on the ground and getting settled.

I can't believe it's actually happening. I thought to myself yesterday, geez, I've really gotta decide soon whether or not I'm going to school in September so I can save tuition money towards Australia. And then I realized... I just applied for a 3rd job, got re-promoted to full time at my 1st job, and have said openly that I'm available to work/volunteer on my off nights at my 2nd job. I already made the decision and didn't even realize it. I don't have time for school now. I am not going to school in the fall. I am officially going to Australia. Woooot!!!

And as an aside, the Perseid Meteor Shower the other night was awesome. There weren't as many visible meteors as I've seen in past years but the sky was lovely, it wasn't too cold and for the first time in a little while I got to sit back in my chair, alone with the night air and just think. I've been questioning a lot of things lately, between my self, my beliefs, and my morals, and I've realized, I'm pretty confused haha. I think I need to go up the mountain more like I used to, and sit under my tree at my park. I haven't done that all summer and that's ALL I did last summer. It's a nice day today, maybe if it's nice tonight I'll head up and chill on a swing. It's amazing how much clarity exists when you're alone with your thoughts. Peace out.

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