Sunday, June 15, 2008


I can't take it. How can you knowingly hurt someone who has alway treated you like a QUEEN? You don't deserve him. You never HAVE deserved him. You vile child. You used him to keep you safe from that which haunted you, and have now turned the tables and are treating him the very way you have been treated all your life. You've taken him from me. I will never forgive you. You have abused him, used him, lied to him and knowingly done things that would hurt him, rubbing them in his face until his face disappeared. He's not the same person. He's a shell of who he used to be. And it's because of you. You. You've turned everyone against him. But have you? I don't think you have - your influence means so little to so many. What you have done, is convinced him that he is alone. He has no one. Not even his own family could love him for being so pathetic. How could you ruin someone like that? How could you tell someone so many horrible things? Especially HIM. You don't realize it. You don't see what you're doing. It will come back to you one day and you will see the hurt you have caused others. It doesn't stop at him. He has a family. He has ME. I have been SO hurt by your actions, your words, the unsaid things that you have done to hurt my family. If anything ever happens, if IT happens again, you know in your heart that it is because of you, and what you have done. What you have said. You have destroyed him and it is not going to go away. I hope you grow up. You need to. The path of destruction and pain, and brokenness in your wake is not fair to anyone, and the fact that you intentionally continue your ways... I just can't take it.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I think i already said this, but let me say it again; I really dislike people like this.